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Miter-It Auto Starter Kit


The Miter-It™ Auto, Starter kit system enables vacuum-powered mitred laminations.

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The Miter-It™ Auto, Starter kit system enables vacuum-powered mitred laminations. Save time and money by eliminating the need for a helper—wherever you would need a hand to hold the material, put a Miter-It™ Auto clamp there instead! The starter kit model is designed to be used on the shop floor with external compressed air. The user-friendly clamps securely and reliably hold heavy, drop-down edges at 90°, enabling finished-side-up laminations and providing better results than taping methods alone. Seaming the joint finished-side-up offers increased safety for workers and reduced risk of damage to the piece by not having to flip the material for gluing. This also keeps the seam in view for dialling-in perfect joints, and makes clean-up fast and easy. The 10-port Electric Vacuum Manifold allows adding eight additional clamps to cover more surface area. Typically, one Miter-It™ Auto clamp every 3 to 4 feet is sufficient, but more may be used for extra-long or heavy aprons.


Mitred laminations “on the go”
Saves labour by eliminating the need for a helper
Mitre finished side up—safer for workers and material; keep the seam in view
Reliably holds heavy drop-down edges at 90°
Coarse adjustment lever for quick apron placement
Horizontal and vertical fine-tuning knobs for ultimate seam control
Non-marking, proprietary synthetic* rubber cups are highly-durable and feature FTS™ technology for optimum hold, even on textured materials
Accommodates edges up to 12” tall, 3 cm thick